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Our goal is  to show  that  with the right access to accurate, up to date resources,  information and  facts anyone and everyone  can simply and politely decline giving their consent for any further  harmful chemicals to be applied . 


When Pesticide Free Balerno  first raised  concerns  - residents would routinely receive responses from council officials / MPs/decision makers justifying   why glyphosate for weed control  was the best option available - 'perfectly safe and  still legal to use'   reassuring that  no one else felt the same… However… what  they presented  as a ‘fact’ was merely just  opinion! 


Below are  trusted sources of factual information to support your claim.

Beyond pesticides Children & pesticides don’t mix fact sheet 
Pesticide Action Network Glyphosate Myth buster 
Monograma de la Red de AcciĆ³n de Pesticidas
Estudios MƔs AllƔ de los Pesticidas / Base de Datos
ComparaciĆ³n de costos de Weedingtech Foamstream
Estudio de caso del Consejo de Glastonbury de Weedingtech Foamstream
Ficha tƩcnica de Weedingtech Foamstream

Fabricado por Balerno sin pesticidas.

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